Day 46 : Mark 4:35-41

Read Mark 4:35-41

Helpful Background Information: 

  • Mark 4:35-41 takes place on the Sea of Galilee, a body of water known for sudden and violent storms due to its geography. After a long day of teaching, Jesus, exhausted, instructs His disciples to cross to the other side. As they sail, a fierce storm arises, causing even the experienced fishermen among them to fear for their lives. Meanwhile, Jesus sleeps peacefully in the stern, demonstrating His trust in the Father’s care. When the disciples wake Him in panic, He rebukes the wind and waves, instantly calming the storm.

Reflection Questions: 

  • Jesus rebukes the disciples, saying, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (v. 40) What does fear have to do with faith?

  • The disciples faced a storm not because they were disobedient, but because they followed Jesus. What does this teach us about trials in the Christian life?

  • The disciples asked, “Who can this be?” (v. 41). How would you answer that question? How does your answer influence how you live your life?


Day 47 : Jonah 1


Day 45 : Acts 2:38-41