Our hope is that everyone who calls Crossroads their home would be committed to personal growth in Jesus, relational connection with other believers in this local body, and engagement in the mission of Jesus both locally and globally.
Join us on Wednesday nights for interactive teaching, Q&A panels, small group discussion, snacks and more! This is a safe place to meet others and to grow in your faith. Our desire is to have a laid back atmosphere to make connections and go deeper with Christ. 1:28 will be highly interactive with both teaching and activities. 1:28 group meets during the school year in the Chapel at Crossroads from 6:30-8:00pm.
Moms Connect
Moms Connect is a ministry designed to create a space for moms to come together to connect with each other, foster better connections in their own families and connect deeply with Jesus. Experienced mentors come along side to teach practical skills as well as gospel centered parenting and marriage instruction and more. Moms Connect meets on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Crossing dining room.
Small Groups
If you are ready to take a next step to invest in your faith or to connect with others in the body of Christ, an adult small group might just be what you are looking for! If you desire to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the gospel, we encourage you to click the button below and we will help connect you with a small group.
Men of the Church
We know life can be busy and challenging at times, having a place where you can come to be refreshed and challenged in your walk of faith is vital. Crossroads men meet from 6:30-8:30pm in the dining room for fellowship and encouragement. This will be a monthly meeting every 4th Monday of each month. All men are welcome, married or single. We look forward to seeing you there!
RightNow Media
We have a great resource to help you grow your faith. RightNow Media is the “Netflix of Bible Studies” and we are providing it for free to you! This includes a huge library of Bible studies, resources of parenting, marriage discipleship, and lots of kids’ content. Click the button below to request free access.
The Way of Life
Our hope is that everyone who calls Crossroads their home would be committed to personal growth in Jesus, relational connection with other believers in this local body, and encouragement in the mission of Jesus both locally and globally. If you are not already a member and would like to learn more about this way of life and/or are considering membership at Crossroads, we invite you to participate in the Way of Life class. Click the link below to be put on the list for our next class.
Crown Financial Class
Did you know the Bible contains over 2000 verses regarding finances? God is clearly interested not only in our finances but also how we steward them. If you are interested in learning more about what God’s Word says about earning, saving, giving, spending, investing, etc., you are invited to attend out next Crown Financial class. Click the link below to be put on the list for our next class.
60+/Meet & Eat
If you’re 60+ and looking for a place to interact with your peers, the Meet & Eat group is for you! Click the link below to request more information.
Life on Mission
If you are feeling a call to be intentionally on mission locally, regionally, or globally, this group is for you. Join us as we discover how God has uniquely commanded and equipped us to participate in His work both at home and abroad. If you are sensing God stirring your heart toward a new involvement in His mission, we encourage you to check this group out. The Life on Mission class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30am.
Starting Point
Whether you are new to Crossroads or have attended for a while - if you want to learn more about us, please consider joining us at Starting Point. Join some of our pastors, staff and other church members and learn more about Crossroads! Click the link below to be added to the list for our next class.
Young Adults
All young adults are invited every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 4:30pm to join us for a gathering in the Crossing. This is a time to build community as well as study God’s word together. You do not need to attend Crossroads to join us, so invite your friends!
Interested in Baptism?
If you’re interested in getting baptized, please click the link below for more information!