Live video of our Sunday messages are available each Sunday at 11:00am and may be viewed anytime after they air. A catalogue of our most recent sermon series are listed below. Click a series below to view each message in that series on our YouTube page.

(January - March 2025)

The Gospel of Mark is the shortest (and likely earliest) of the four biographies of Jesus written in the New Testament. This Gospel is not merely a memoir of the life of Jesus Christ but rather a passionate persuasion to believe in Jesus as the Son of God who would atone for the sins of the world! Join us this January as we study this wonderful book and explore the depths of what it means for our lives today! 

(December 2024)

When Jesus came into the world, there was no room for Him—not in the inn, not in the halls of power, not even in the hearts of His own people. Yet, despite being turned away, the Savior entered our brokenness in relentless pursuit of us. This Advent, we reflect on how the world rejected Him and ask ourselves: Are we making room for Jesus today? In our hearts, our homes, and our lives, are we receiving the King, or turning Him away? Join us as we remember Christ’s coming and prepare Him room this Christmas season.

(October 2024)

We live in a very polarized world, often divided into an “Us vs. Them” mentality on a host of issues, especially politics. Sadly, this division has bled into our churches, dividing brothers and sisters in Christ who share the same Lord, Spirit, and Mission. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “May it never be!” This series will dive into the book of Philippians… a letter where Paul challenges the particularly patriotic city of Philippi to live their lives in a manner worthy of the heavenly citizenship they’ve received in Christ! How can we as Christians live out our faith in alignment with our King Jesus as we live in a culture divided along partisan lines?

(September 2024)

Following Jesus requires practice. Many people desire the life Jesus offers but struggle to embrace the lifestyle He modeled. Join us for the second edition of our recurring “Practices” series, where we’ll focus on the spiritual practice of studying the “WORD.” Together, we’ll explore what the Bible is, why it’s worth our time, and practical ways to study it.

(August 2024)

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His followers their last marching orders - the Great Commission. The commission is to share of what He did through His death and resurrection. No matter who you are or where you are, you are an ambassador commissioned by God Himself to share His gift of the Gospel with a lost and dying world!

(June - July 2024)

Ever go to the Bible hoping to be told exactly what you should do? Well, good news! James is the book for you! As we work through the book of James this summer, we will discover together how God calls believers to live out their faith practically!

(May 2024)

Our last marching order from Jesus before He went to heaven was to make disciples in Jerusalem to Samaria and to the ends of the earth. This sets up a pattern of disciple making first locally, then regionally, and then globally. We will Talk about local missions later this summer, but let’s get excited about Crossroads’ past and potential involvement in missions on both the regional and global scale!

(April 2024)

How can I personally draw closer to God? To run the race of faith well, training is required; and spiritual disciplines are our primary practice method. This series focuses on cultivating a thriving prayer life and conversing regularly with our Heavenly Father. Join us as we start a new series and learn to pray!

(March 24 & 31 2024)

Join in our Easter celebration of our Risen Savior and as we learn that our response to the Resurrection should be: All Hail the King!! Enjoy our services from Easter morning as well as Palm Sunday.

(January - March 2024)

If you have ever read the story of Jacob in Genesis, you know that Jacob is not a good guy. He is an arrogant, manipulative trickster. However, surprisingly, when God identifies Himself to the Israelites, He calls Himself, “the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Jacob willfully and continually sinned, but God still pursued and blessed him. Even with Jacob’s deep flaws, God remained faithful. 

(December 2023)

When our first parents chose to follow the Serpent (Satan) into rebellion, God responded with a promise - that one day someone would be born who would crush that Serpent. As the years went on, God also promised Abraham a Savior, David a King, Daniel a Son of Man, Isaiah a Son of God, and Ezekiel a Shepherd. Join us as we learn how all these promises pointed to Jesus Christ. Joy to the World, let earth receive her king!

(September - November 2023)

Who is God? Can I trust the Bible? What does it mean that we are made in the image of God? How can a person be saved? Why does God care who I sleep with? Why does it matter that Jesus rose from the dead? These are just a few of the important questions people ask about religion, faith, and life, and our answers to them fundamentally shape how we live our lives. For, our beliefs change not only our minds but also our hearts. In a world of lies, we will discuss not only what we believe to be the truth, but also why we believe it.

(August 2023)

Do you desire to share the Gospel with people in your town, but do not know how? Sometimes fear, doubt, or indifference keeps us from fulfilling the Great Commision. Sometimes we think we have to know all the right things to say. Sometimes we just don’t know where to even begin. So, how do we approach unbelievers with the Gospel in an inviting and God-honoring way? Join us as we learn from Colossians how to wisely prepare for the mission!

(June-July 2023)

What does a human body, a bride, a lamp, a family, an embassy, a marriage, a temple, and a flock of sheep have in common? These are all descriptions of the Church found in the Bible! Sometimes we think that church is just a building we enter every week, but with these pictures the Bible reveals that the Church is designed to be so much more! Please come join us as we seek to understand the make-up of Christ’s Church and our part in it.

(Feb-May 2023)

Did you know that the apostle Peter says that believers in Jesus are aliens? Peter didn’t mean we are little green space men, but that this world as it is now is not our home. Believers are citizens of heaven! More than that, our King has commissioned us to be ambassadors to and in this world. But, what does it look like to be an ambassador for God, the King of Kings? What makes a life with Christ so different from a life without Christ? Is such a radically different life worth it? Join us as we learn from 1 Peter what it looks like to be a resident alien.

(April 2 & 9 2023)

Join in our celebration of our risen savior who came to the cross as a gentle lamb and out of the grave like a roaring lion! Enjoy our services from Easter morning as well as Palm Sunday.

(January 2023)

God is generous. He has graciously given us everything we have: our time, our skills/abilities, our material blessings. Yet so often, we live our lives like this reality is not true. We hold on tight to all of these things thinking they are ours and that this closed fisted living is the most safe and secure way to survive in this world. What if we’re wrong? What if there is another way… a better way to live?  Join us in January to learn how living with an open hand provides a freedom that our hearts have always longed for.

(December 2022)

As the 19th century poet Cappeau wrote in his famous Christmas Hymn O Holy night: “Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till he appear'd and the soul felt its worth.” The world we live in is a broken place, burdened with sin, shame, and despair.
Cappeau continued... "A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!" What a thrilling truth that Jesus has come to live, die and rise again to bring life to mankind. Anyone and everyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame and will experience the glorious joy of knowing God!

(November 2022)

Crossroads is heading into a season of leadership transition. While we believe this led by God’s Spirit, we also recognize that transitions and change can be very challenging. In light of that, we want to spend intentional time studying transitions in the Scripture. Leadership transitions happened all throughout Scripture and church history. Join us in November as we examine two key transitions in the New Testament church and study what made them successful.

(September 11 - October 30 2022)

In part 5 of our Romans series, we dove into some big questions: How should God’s people live in the world? How does our faith in Christ affect the way we live in society? What do we do when we disagree with other Christians? How does that affect our witness? How do we see all people reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Sundays this fall we studied the final chapters of Romans in Part 5 of our series: The Law of Love.

Do you ever wish you had a manual for how to ‘do life?’ Like one of those “idiot’s guide to the good life” or “how to NOT ruin your life?” There are some things in life that are ‘black and white’ but much of our lives are lived in the ‘gray.’ How do we navigate our way through? The answer: The Way of Wisdom. James 1:6 says that anyone who lacks wisdom should ask God who gives generously. It’s been said that Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived (outside of Jesus of course). The book of Proverbs is a collection of Solomon’s wisdom written down and preserved for us to learn from. This summer we explored how to “foolproof your life” by walking in the “way of wisdom.”

(Summer 2022)

For the first 11 chapters of Romans, Paul lays out the foundational truths of the Gospel - why we need Jesus, how He saves us, and God’s sovereign hand in redeeming His people. In chapter 12, we turn a corner and begin to ask the question - NOW WHAT? If that is who I am, and this is what Jesus has done for me, what do I do now? As we return to part 4 of our series on Romans, we will discover how we are called to live, in view of God’s mercy.

(April - May 2022)

(February - April 2022)

Romans 9-11 are perhaps some of the most challenging in Scripture because they deal with some of the most difficult questions. What about Israel? Didn't God promise to be their God and that they were his people? Did God's promise fail? How does this salvation work? Does God choose some and not others? Does mankind have any responsibility in this? While much of Romans 9-11 leads Paul to conclude with awe and acknowledging that God's ways are mysterious and unsearchable, there is much to be gained by studying these chapters in depth. Join us as we return to our study of Romans with Part 3: God's heart for his people.

Have you made any New Years resolutions? What are you hoping to see change in your life? Do you find yourself frustrated with lack of progress in your relationship with Christ? As we move into 2022, we need more than New Year's resolutions. We need transformation! The church at Thessalonica experienced radical change within months of Paul preaching the Gospel to them. Through this series we uncover how the Gospel transformed a city and how it can transform you if you let it!

(January - February 2022)

For messages prior to these series, click here.