Day 10 : Acts 4:5-20

Read Acts 4:5-20

Helpful Background Information: 

  • In Acts 3, Peter and John heal a man who had been lame from birth at the temple gate, causing him to walk, leap, and praise God. This draws a crowd. Peter preaches that the healing came through faith in Jesus, calling the people to repent. Upset by their teaching, the religious leaders arrest Peter and John overnight. The next day, they are brought before the Sanhedrin (the religious and political leadership), leading to Acts 4:5 and beyond.

  • In Mark 1:16-20, Jesus calls Peter and John to follow him, and promises to make them “fishers of men.” By Acts 4:13, the transformation is evident. The same Peter and John who left their nets by the Sea of Galilee are now boldly proclaiming the gospel before the religious authorities, who are astonished by their courage and conviction. The key phrase, “they had been with Jesus,” reveals the source of their strength and wisdom. 

Reflection Questions: 

  • The Sanhedrin recognized that Peter and John were “unschooled, ordinary men” but saw their boldness and noted that they had been with Jesus. How does spending time with Jesus transform someone?

  • How does Peter and John’s statement, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard,” connect with Mark 1?


Day 11 : Mark 2:1-12


Day 9 : John 1:35-44