Day 27 : 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Helpful Background Information:  

  • In 1 Samuel 16, God sends Samuel to anoint a new king for Israel. After Saul’s disobedience, God chooses David, an unlikely candidate, to be Israel’s next king. While Samuel is initially drawn to Jesse’s older sons based on their appearance, God reminds him that He looks at the heart, not outward appearances (v. 7). David, the youngest son, is out tending sheep when he is called and anointed in the presence of his brothers. From that day forward, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon David, marking him as God’s chosen king.

  • Just as God chose David, a young shepherd boy, over his seemingly more qualified brothers, Jesus calls unlikely men—fishermen, a tax collector, and even a future traitor (Judas)—to be His closest followers. God’s ways of choosing people often defy human expectations.

Reflection Questions: 

  • David was overlooked by his own family but was chosen by God. Are there areas of my life where I feel unseen or unqualified, yet God may be calling me to step forward?

  • David would not become king for another 15 years after he was chosen. Why do you think that God told David he was chosen so long before David actually became king?

  • God saw David’s heart, not just his actions. What might God see in my heart that needs to change or grow?


Day 28 : Matthew 12:13-21


Day 26 : Mark 3:7-19