Day 1 : Mark 1:1-15
Read Mark 1:1-15
Helpful Background Information:
Baptism, meaning "to immerse or overwhelm," was practiced by John to symbolize repentance. Biblical repentance is a heartfelt turning away from sin and turning toward God. What was unique about John’s baptism was that he asked Jewish people to be baptized as well. For Jews to submit to John’s baptism was a profound act of repentance, acknowledging their sinfulness and need to be made right with God. Christian baptism builds upon this by symbolizing turning from our sin, and surrendering all of ourselves to Christ. (Romans 6:3).
However, John’s main message was not just, “You’re a sinner, so you need to repent.” John’s main message was, “The Messiah is coming.” The call to repentance was a response to this news. John baptizes Jesus, and God reveals that Jesus is His “beloved Son.” Jesus then spends 40 days in the wilderness, and comes back ready to begin His ministry. What Jesus calls people to do is similar to what John the Baptist called people to do. “Repent and believe” that the messiah is here and that His kingdom is coming.
Reflection Questions:
Why did John baptize people? Why do you think that was important?
Did Jesus have to be baptized? If not, why do you think he chose to be? (See Matthew 3:13-17)
Why do you think the Holy Spirit would lead Jesus into the wilderness? What does this say about times in your life where God may lead you into strange places?
Why does Jesus say “Repent and Believe?” What would happen if you didn’t do one or the other? (i.e. what if you believed but didn’t repent?)