Day 15 : Daniel 7
Read Daniel 7
Helpful Background Information:
Daniel and the nation of Israel are in captivity in Babylon. Daniel and other young Israelite leaders were placed into a school where they were to be educated in Babylonian history and ideologies. The goal was to sway the best and brightest to the ‘Babylonian way’ so that Israel would follow suit. However, these young men of faith did not acquiesce and kept their faith. They stood strong against incredible resistance (fiery furnace, lion’s den, etc.).
In the second half of the book (7-12) Daniel has dreams and visions of what is to come. In one of these visions, chapter 7, he sees 4 beasts which would describe four kings/kingdoms that would arise in the future to oppress the people and accomplish many evil acts. But this isn’t the end of the story! God will accomplish justice in the end. In verses 13-14 Daniel sees one like the “Son of Man.” As you read, pay attention to this figure. The title “Son of Man” was the most common name Jesus used to describe Himself.
Also, shameless plug: We will study the whole book of Daniel this summer. Stay tuned!
Reflection Questions:
Why do you think Daniel was so troubled by this dream/vision?
How does the end of the vision give you confidence when you think about the future (end times)?
What similarities do you see between the “Son of Man” in verses 13-14 and Jesus in Mark 2:1-12?
If this is who Jesus is (and it is), how does that change your perspective in how you pray, express your faith to Him, and rely upon Him in your daily life?