Day 21 : Mark 2:18-22
Read Mark 2:18-22
Helpful Background Information:
In Mark 2:18-22, Jesus is questioned about why His disciples do not fast while the disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees do. Fasting was a common practice in Judaism, often associated with mourning and repentance. The Pharisees were known for fasting twice a week (Luke 18:12), and it made sense for John’s disciples to fast because his ministry emphasized repentance. When questioned, Jesus uses the illustration of a wedding feast, explaining that it is inappropriate to fast while the bridegroom is present. Jesus identifies Himself as the bridegroom. Jesus is saying that His presence is a cause for celebration and not for mourning.
Jesus further illustrates His point with the examples of a new patch on an old garment and new wine in old wineskins. Just as unshrunk cloth would tear an old garment and new wine would burst old wineskins, Jesus signifies that His new covenant and teachings cannot be confined within the old structures of Jewish tradition.
Reflection Questions:
How do you think religious rituals can sometimes get in the way of truly knowing Jesus?
Are there old habits or beliefs you hold onto that might be stopping you from growing in your faith? What are they, and how might you change?
What new ways of living do you think Jesus wants you to adopt?