Day 24 : Ephesians 4:17-32

Read Ephesians 4:17-32

Helpful Background Information: 

  • In Ephesians 4:17-32, Paul tells the believers in Ephesus to live differently from the non-believers around them. He talks about the "old man," which means our old way of living before we had faith in Christ. Paul urges Christians to "put off" the old man and "put on" the new man, which is our new identity in Christ.

  • Paul uses the example of changing clothes to explain this transformation—taking off old, sinful behaviors and putting on new, righteous ones. He says that learning about Christ should change the way we think and act. The new man, created to be like God, shows true righteousness and holiness. This change should be seen in practical ways: telling the truth, controlling anger, working hard, speaking kindly, and showing kindness and forgiveness. Paul’s message is that this transformation is not just about outward actions but reflects an inner change from having a relationship with Jesus.

Reflection Questions: 

  • In Mark 2:22, Jesus warns against putting new wine into old wineskins, as this will ruin both. How is this similar to what Paul says in Ephesians 4?

  • What are some "old man" behaviors that Paul says we should get rid of? Are there any of these behaviors that you find challenging to leave behind?

  • Both Paul and Jesus talk about real change, not just outward actions. How can you ensure that your transformation is deep and genuine, not just a show?

  • The process of putting on the new self is not a one-time event; it requires ongoing renewal. How can you regularly renew your mind and grow in your faith?


Day 25 : John 15:1-17


Day 23 : Matthew 9:14-17