Day 25 : John 15:1-17

Read John 15:1-17

Helpful Background Information: 

  • This passage contrasts sharply with the ritualism criticized in Mark 2:18-22. In Mark, Jesus talks about the newness of His ministry and teachings, comparing it to putting new wine in new wineskins. He points out that following old rituals and traditions won't work with the new life and freedom He brings. In John 15, Jesus takes this idea further by focusing on the importance of a deep, abiding relationship with Him—not just outward religious practices.

  • Jesus emphasizes that our new way of living does not come from forcing ourselves into a proper lifestyle. Instead, it comes naturally from abiding in His love. He says that if we remain in Him and His words remain in us, we will bear much fruit. This fruit symbolizes the good works, character changes, and spiritual growth that naturally result from a close relationship with Jesus. Just like branches cannot produce fruit if they are disconnected from the vine, we cannot live a truly righteous life without staying connected to Jesus.

Reflection Questions: 

  • What does it mean to "abide in" Jesus according to John 15:4-5? How can you practice this in your daily life?

  • In Mark 2:18-22, Jesus criticizes old rituals. How do these rituals differ from the relationship He describes in John 15?

  • How does staying in Jesus’s love enable us to keep His commandments, as mentioned in John 15:9-10?


Day 26 : Mark 3:7-19


Day 24 : Ephesians 4:17-32