Day 31 : Mark 3:20-35
Read Mark 3:20-35
Helpful Background Information:
The passage continues where we left off with Jesus being followed by huge crowds. Jesus faces opposition from both His own family and religious leaders. His family, likely worried about His well-being, thinks He is out of His mind. Meanwhile, the religious leaders accuse Him of casting out demons by Satan’s power. Jesus refutes their claims by logically explaining that Satan would not work against himself. Rather, Jesus explains that His authority over demons proves He is stronger than Satan.
Jesus also warns against blaspheming the Holy Spirit—rejecting God’s work and hardening one's heart beyond repentance. Later, when His family comes looking for Him, Jesus redefines true family as those who do God’s will.
Reflection Questions:
How do Jesus’ responses to the religious leaders model wisdom in dealing with false accusations?
The religious leaders saw Jesus’ power but denied its true source. Are there ways you have seen God at work but refused to acknowledge or obey Him?
What are some ways you can actively embrace your identity as part of God’s family this week?
How does knowing Jesus is stronger than any “strong man” in your life change the way you react when faced with challenges?