Day 37 : Isaiah 6:8-10
Read Isaiah 6:8-10
Helpful Background Information:
This Old Testament passage recounts Isaiah’s calling from the Lord to be a prophet to the Kingdom of Judah. However, Isaiah’s duty will not be the most enjoyable one, for God warns Isaiah that the majority of his listeners will not respond positively to his message. Instead of leading them to humility and confession, Isaiah’s words will harden hearts and strengthen their refusal to listen to God. These people have continually chosen not to follow God, so God has decided that judgement is at hand.
It is this passage that Jesus quotes in Mark 4:12 as the reason for his speaking in parables. Jesus’ parables were not meant to increase understanding but were a sign of judgment for those who refused to believe. The symbolism hides the truth from anyone without the humility to seek out Christ’s meaning. However, the parables were not used to keep people from repenting and believing, because the people were already unrepentant and unbelieving.
The key to properly understanding these parables is faith in Jesus Christ, through whom we become members of the Kingdom of God. For believers who love Christ and the Father, they are gifts to us so that we can more easily understand God’s Kingdom and as Kingdom citizens.
Reflection Questions:
What does this passage reveal about the consequences of repeatedly ignoring God’s Word?
Many people in both Isaiah’s time and Jesus’ refused to listen because of their hardened hearts. This should be sobering, even for believers. Is there an area in your life where you feel your heart might be hardening? How can you surrender these areas to the Lord?
Why do you think God would call someone to a task where they knew the outcome would be largely negative? What does this tell us about God's purposes?
How does this passage help you understand why Jesus spoke in parables in Mark 4:12?