Day 52 : 1 Kings 18:20-40

Read 1 Kings 18:20-40

Helpful Background Information:  

  • During the time of Elijah, Israel was deeply divided in its worship, wavering between devotion to the true God and allegiance to Baal, the Canaanite god of storms and fertility. King Ahab, under the influence of his wife Jezebel, had led the nation into widespread idolatry, supporting 450 prophets of Baal and allowing the persecution of Yahweh’s true followers. In response, God sent a devastating drought as a judgment against the land. After three years, Elijah boldly confronted Ahab and the people of Israel, calling them to make a decisive choice: "If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." (1 Kings 18:21). To settle the matter, Elijah proposed a test on Mount Carmel—whichever god could send fire from heaven to consume a sacrifice would be proven as the true God.

  • In Mark 5:1-20 Jesus demonstrates His absolute authority over spiritual darkness. Just as the LORD revealed His supremacy over Baal through fire from heaven, Jesus revealed His power over the forces of evil by casting out the “legion” of demons from the possessed man. The false prophets in Elijah’s day cried out, danced, and even injured themselves, yet Baal remained silent. Similarly, in Mark 5, the demons were powerless before Jesus, begging for permission to enter a herd of pigs. Both stories emphasize that no spiritual force—whether idol worship or demonic oppression—can stand against the true God.

Reflection Questions: 

  • What are some "modern-day Baals" that compete for your heart’s devotion? How can you remain fully committed to God?

  • The people in 1 Kings 18:39 fell on their faces and declared, “The LORD, He is God!” after witnessing the miracle. In Mark 5, the healed man wanted to follow Jesus, but the townspeople rejected Him. Why do you think there was a difference between these two responses? 

  • What are some ways you can boldly proclaim, like Elijah and the freed man in Mark 5, that the Lord is the one true God?


Day 53 : Matthew 8:28-34


Day 51 : Mark 5:1-20