Day 6 : Mark 1:16-28
Read Mark 1:16-28
Helpful Background Information:
After Jesus began to preach the gospel, He called ordinary fishermen—Simon (later called Peter), Andrew, James, and John—to follow Him. They did not need theological credentials or special status; Jesus chose them for what He would make them into.
After calling these disciples, Jesus entered the synagogue at Capernaum and began teaching. The people were amazed because He taught with authority, unlike the scribes, who often relied on quoting traditions or other rabbis. While teaching, Jesus encountered a man with an unclean spirit. Mark uses the terms “unclean spirit” and “demon” interchangeably. This Demon recognized Jesus for who He was, and Jesus ordered the demon to be silent before casting the demon out. The crowd, astonished by Jesus’ authority, spread the word of Him throughout the region.
Reflection Questions:
Why do you think Jesus chose fishermen as His first disciples? What does this tell us about the kind of people He calls to follow Him?
Jesus promised to make the disciples “fishers of men.” What does it mean for you to participate in Jesus’ mission of reaching others?
Why do you think Jesus silenced the demon instead of letting it continue to speak about His identity?
The disciples followed Jesus without fully understanding His identity or mission. How does this inspire or challenge your trust in God’s plans for your life?